A New Era Begins for Idle Space Miner

Hello fellow players and developers alike. It's with great satisfaction that I bring to you a new version of Idle Space Miner 2, where I've updated a lot of the graphics but also some major mechanics. Now you can have a better view of the solar system, watching the planets from up close, making a first step to a more complex upgrading system, where each of the planets will have their own unique upgrades and events.

The small fee I'm charging for this game will give you access to version 2.3 and beyond, and will help out fund this project and keep developing it further. I must say, I'm really grateful for all of those that already helped, you are amazing and I hope I can keep develivering more and more to you guys <3 thank you.


ISM2 PC 2-3-0 x86.zip 68 MB
Apr 12, 2023
ISM2 PC 2-3-0 x64.zip 72 MB
Apr 12, 2023

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